Here's a slice of the first whole cake I baked in over 10 years:
It's a simple vanilla sponge cake which I garnished with almonds and strawberries. It was not fluffy enough for me, but I was impressed it was easy NOT to make a cake that tasted like a rock (Remember the cake my dog refused to eat?).
I then spent every weekend after that baking, making a set of sponge cakes in cupcake shells for a friend's gym opening.

I made another whole strawberry cake for practice.
And I tried my hand at meringues (since there were leftover egg whites)...
I also baked carrot cake for AwwesomePossum's birthday and I was delighted that it did not taste like cardboard!
The downside to all this (Yes there is a downside!) electrical bill was 25% higher last month due to excessive use of the oven!