This post is a TMI one (too much info). If you think you're going to be bothered by details of bodily fluids, please do continue onto the next post
here. :)
Being a mom is never easy. I know this but I have discovered that it starts in the 9 months of pregnancy. In the last one week, I have had a fungal infection resulting in bright-coloured discharge, Braxton Hicks contractions, sharp pains in my pelvic region, hemorrhoids, and leg cramps! Perhaps it's due to stress from my dad being admitted to hospital for a lung ailment, or anxiety in trying to finish a backlog of work...but I have realised that my days of happy pain-free brisk-walking are over!
I have had a relatively good first trimester ― little nausea and morning sickness ― and a great second trimester so far. Third trimesters aren't supposed to be easy and it's probably our body's way of preparing us for the days (and years) to come. Because of this week of pregnancy ailments hitting on consecutive days, I must have emailed my gynae 6 times, surfed a few dozen websites, and called every friend who was pregnant before to ask for advice. Panic strikes, yes. I was terribly worried about preterm labour as well, but it seems so far, I should be fine for now (though it would be hard to think such thoughts when there is pain and discharge!)
Moving on, I have to learn to adjust my diet to include even more wholemeal bread, vegetables, and fruits, and to walk more slowly and climb less stairs. No more long walks or rushing for the bus and train. I think I might even have to buy a pregnancy belt and compression stockings. Heck, I might even have to start paying cab fare.
I hope you aren't put off having kids, if you are a woman and have yet to give birth (and would like to). Being pregnant ain't easy but having the baby kick and punch you from the inside is a truly unique and special experience. Very intimate, and makes you feel very joyful.