We went to the tile shop today with our designer. There are so many types of tiles in this world. Besides your usual plain white ones, there are textured ones, smooth ones, matt ones, glossy ones and expensive ones. There are even tiles that mimic marble, steel, metal, rusted metal, stained rock, and a lovely floral black reflective tile. Ideas were flowing, and we spent a good nearly 3 hours there, eventually deciding on a hotel "marble" look for our master toilet, and a super dark grey slate look for the common toilet. Our designer seemed dismayed we could not use the reflective black floral one, but we all decided, whilst it looked fantastic and impressive, the look would make the toilet a bit too fancy. While we decided on the master toilet to be light, bright and airy, we let our designer do the common toilet, steering him first in the dark grey textured look. He said his company had never done a toilet like that before. Really??!! Are we so avant=grade? heehee...
Here are the tiles for our house:
Master Toilet tiles of beige, warm yellow tones and a light bright look.
Common Toilet tiles of dark grey slate for the walls and a textured grey with sprinkles of sparkles for the floor.
This is our kitchen flooring. It was difficult to match the streaky glossy laminates we chose for our kitchen. There weren't any black tiles, and the dark greys all had a bluish tone to them, rather than a brown tone. We eventually decided on this one, which is a warm grey textured tile.
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