We wanted a lovely grey suede curtain but they were short of the material required for our full-length curtains in the living room! Horrors! The boss did a check with all her material suppliers but they had either ran out of sufficient stock, did not have the appropriate colours or discontinued all suede materials. We reckon suede wasn't a popular choice but 10minutes of searching brought us back to square one...we really loved the grey suede. Lady boss decided she could use whatever material she had and then finish up with thick black material. The outcome was quite splendid. Thank God for that!
The installation guys were fairly late though. The appointment was 1pm but they came at 230pm because they were held up at another job site. I don't forgive lateness of this extreme nature. They were wasting my time and I initially wanted to leave house at 3pm but had to delay till 4pm. >:( - ally
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