Here's my guitar hero, my knight in shining armour who plays noisy rock songs on the wii guitar, to the cheers of a stadium of fans. Ok, it might just be a game, but I must say it's highly addictive. Unlike previous versions of Guitar Hero who featured "fake singers", Guitar Hero World Tour finally paid for the copyrights to the original versions of popular rock songs, old and new. It's entertaining to listen, but even more so play, too bad I suck at it. I actually freak out when I see so many different colours on the screen and I can't move my fingers fast enough to play it right.

I freaked out also when I saw red today. My period is looming once again. Of course I knew it would come, but I never do give up hope that I might not see it for just one month. I am also freaked because this would mean I would have to go for the IUI soon. *deep breath* I'm scared. I'm scared it might not work, my eggs might be duds, my guitar hero's soldiers might not be the best of men. It could be a waste of time and money... As a friend once said, there are many warriors, but few good men.
But I have to press on right? Gambarimasu!
Hey babe, glad to see you are taking one step further to get preggers. Very brave of you! Hope you don't feel too nauseous this time.
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