Renew Moisturiser is touted as a clinically-proven, super duper moisturising lotion for sensitive-skin. It also claims to improve skin conditions like eczema within 2 weeks. I don't have terribly dry skin or any skin condition, so was unable to experience the full potential of this moisturiser. I did however have some dry and scaly patches on my feet and after using for 4 nights, I noticed that they weren't peeling and as dry. Alas, I got lazy and went to bed some nights without applying Renew, and my feet became ugly again. This is probably because I do torture my feet with some bad shoes as well.
I have wanted to try Renew on hubby's really yucky looking feet but have been putting it off. I should try to take before and after shots as well.
As for the texture of Renew, it's not heavy like most oil-based ones, but neither is it light and airy so those of you who are selective about this kind of thing should take note. However, it doesn't have a scent and does provide lasting coverage throughout the day. I put it on this morning and my legs haven't "dried out" yet, even in my air-conditioned office.
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