My birthday passed this year with little fanfare, but that's alright with me. Sometime after the big three-oh, my birthday didn't seem so fun anymore, and I'd like it just fine to have it pass by without anyone remembering. Alas, Facebook sends out messages to everyone when it's my birthday so I got a torrent (Ok, not really a torrent) of nice wishes and blessings, which I accept gratefully. And there was an SMS greeting from a friend in Melbourne which was a very pleasant surprise.
Probably the most memorable thing this birthday would the cake that Awwesome Possum baked for me (Thank You!). It was a first attempt but absolutely delicious. Awwesome Possum is a fabulous baker, bless her soul! I received only one physical present, from her, an uber cool and cute Hello Kitty iphone case, and the rest of the presents were dinner treats from Kimmy, my family and my parents-in-law.
I suppose I could throw a bash (like a good friend of mine did last month, because she suddenly felt inspired), but till then, I'd appreciate simple treats like Awwesome Possum's home-baked cake. Now, how am I going to top what she did for me when it's her birthday? Any ideas?
Happy belated birthday :)
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