You can always count on me (or us) to give you quality design with great service. However, clients have been rather tight-fisted and unappreciative of late. Not only are my costs too high, I have also been inadequate and insufficient in meeting job briefs. Clients will never see that they never did give a proper brief in the first place. Gone are the days when they actually had to send a written brief, which account servicing will type out nicely into fields like "Target Audience" and "Tone and Manner". Nowadays, many clients pick up the phone and rattle out a list of items they want to do. They also think it's exceptionally easy to think of ideas for marketing/design/advertising materials. There's also the concept that a single quarter page ad is equivalent to a double page spread...after all, it's just a matter of how big it is, it won't take more work would it?
If there are anymore clients out there who appreciate experienced advice and good design work, please do give me a call. I want to do your work!
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