Thanks to Breadtalk and, I finally got to taste Breadtalk's "Fantastic 10" buns. This year is Breadtalk's 10th anniversary and as a special treat, they sold all the special buns they created over the last 10 years. Alas, due to a busy schedule, I was unable to get the buns from 2007-2009. 2001's special bun was also unavailable as it was sold out.
Here are some photos of the Breadtalk "Fantastic 10" buns. I am pleased I got to try these as I never quite made it to buy them over the past 10 years. Whilst I don't often buy buns, I would say Breadtalk is probably the most creative of all the bakeries, and were the ones who ignited Singaporean's love for bread. Nowadays, bakeries are choc-a-block. Many are inferior, although some are pretty good.
2000 Floss Bun
Because of Breadtalk, every bakery from Jurong to Pasir Ris sells buns with floss toppings now. A testament to "copying is the best form of flattery".
2001 O'Sambal
Didn't get to try this as it was sold out. :(

2002 Dinosaur
Super duper cute! I was reluctant to eat this one as his eyes were staring at me adorably. I'm glad I ate him in the end as he had ham and cheese in him. Delish~

2003 Bull Run
A great variation of the floss bread, it looks like a bull indeed!

2004 Luv Bite
Sweet white chocolate and filled with strawberry love, Luv Bite was created as a partnership with Singtel to help underprivileged children.

2005 9.0
Filled with chunks of chicken and topped with bonito flakes. Tasted a bit Japanesey which I liked. This bun was sold to raise funds for victims of the massive tsunami the previous year.

2006 KimCheese
A huge-ass piece of bread infusing kim chi, cheese and bread. Really unique!
Sadly I didn't get to try the rest of the Fantastic 10 buns, except for Merrily, Hairy Crab (2007), Peace Panda (2008), Ferraberri (2009), Leonardo+Merrily (2010)
which I ate this morning. It was nice, with chunks of tuna and onion on the inside.
you're stupid. and your blog is stupid. and you're ugly. stupid bitch.
Hmmm...guess you don't have much to say except you hate my blog? Don't read it then. :)
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