My husband, for helping me all these many months, for doing the washing of the toilet, for not messing up the house, and for assisting in keeping the home as neat and clean as possible. Many thanks also for painting the nursery and moving furniture, and for building two chest of drawers, and general menial work. He's my strongman around the house, or source of cheap labour. I have been thinking of getting him a Timbuk2 diaper bag as a reward, but I know he wouldn't mind even if I conveniently forgot...
Good friend Awwesome Possum. Without this woman, there will be no one to run errands, walk miles, and carry things, as well as do some heavy-lifting and cutting in office. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and for your lovely baby-related gifts. Must thank you in advance for assisting in producing 50 cute little giftboxes for guests too!
My mother-in-law, for helping out in the housework all these months. Without her, I'd have to do backbreaking tasks like dusting, sweeping, mopping, and get very frustrated by all the dust and hair.
My mother, for sewing me bedsheets, pillow and bolster cases, and some blankets, and for enquiring on my health on a regular basis. Thank you also, for looking after Daddy, so that I wouldn't be stressed out thinking of him.
My brother, who is still the messiest person I know, for his recent attempts at being a filial son, ferrying my parents around and taking care of my father when he was in hospital. (You could do more about the messy bit though...)
Agnes and Maxilline, for taking care of Gong Gong and Po Po all these years. For keeping them company at home, giving comfort to Po Po when she was here, for teaching Gong Gong how to use Facebook (!).
All my friends, relatives, and church members, for their care, concern, and well wishes. For the gifts some of them have blessed me with – grateful thanks!
Everybody on Facebook who has wished me on my wall!
Thank you very much for all your love. It is more than any gift I can receive. =)
PS - birthday pic taken was from 2010. I had a slice of cake last night as birthday cake, but forgot the candle and the wish...oops...
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