I've had a swell time these past nine months. Sure, there were ups and downs, but things were mostly smooth and easy-going for me. With the exception of the difficulty in sleeping at night these past few weeks, and having to wake up every two hours for the bathroom, I've had little morning sickness, not many aches and pains, no painful swollen limbs...I've even managed to continue going to work until last Tuesday. Hurrah for me!
Friends have asked if I am excited to give birth. Sure, I am excited to see the little ones, but also a little worried. What if they don't turn out like how I imagine them to be? Will I be disappointed? Or will I love them anyway...our flesh and blood after all, created from the love Kimmy and I have for each other. I am also a little scared of the operation. It sounds so major, cutting through layers of flesh. I take heart in knowing that many friends have gone through this before me and they are fine. I shall occupy my mind in that time praying, God gives the best comfort. Kimmy will be there too, but I suspect he might make me laugh to calm (his own) nerves, but I wonder if there are side effects to one laughing while going through surgery...
I have spent this weekend eating everything I've been missing for awhile, starting with Bedok Blk 85 Bak Chor Mee soup on Friday night, sausages for lunch on Saturday, and Jumbo Chilli Crab with mantou for dinner. I would probably have a huge rice dish, Singapore Fried Hokkien Mee, and coconut juice tonight at Whampoa Food Centre as well...and then it's a month of boring confinement food. It's not that I am complaining about eating good nutritious food in the month ahead, but the thought of adhering to a planned diet, and little room for spontaneity, it dulls my mind and makes me bored. I should be grateful that Mother-in-law cares for me enough to cook good food, I just hope she makes delicious pork soups and steamed cod fish - yummy - and steers clear of Chicken Essence and Fish Essence (!).
I am also anticipating a month of fatigue looking after babies, with nothing much to do in between but sleep and eat. My mother is going to be staying over and I hope Kimmy doesn't complain too much about that. Everyone is generously offering their help for free so I hope he sees that!
The weather - I am praying it stays cool and fairly windy. Less sun will be good, the house can be like a furnace, and turning on the aircon 24/7 is not the best plan. The heat doesn't help to dry cloth diapers either, what I need is wind.
In the meantime, I am resting at home, enjoying the babies' squirming in my belly, and appreciating everything I have. Tomorrow will be a new day, a new and exciting world awaits...
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