After 8 years, my business partner and good friend, F, and I parted ways. She found a new job, and I found that life with twin girls is nearly all-consuming. There were ups and downs in these past years, but overall I feel it has been an experience like no other. Most people only dream of starting their own business, but we have been there and done that. It wasn't easy, and we struggled, succeeded, struggled again... Methinks the economic recession was a catalyst to people and companies cutting corners, and trimming their budgets. But all in all, I feel we have had provided good quality design work and attentive service, to the best of our ability. Unfortunately, not every client appreciates this, and we have had our fair share of nasty incidents.

Going forward, I hope I can continue to bring in business, do good work, make clients happy, and go home contented with milk powder and diapers for my children. :)
Here's a shot of my new office. And remember, should you need design work or wedding stationery, you know where to find me!
Hope your cousins will seek their assistance in areas you can do best when their weddings draw near. We all know everyone takes pride in their services to others. Hope they remember card-blanche and associates instead of having thoughts only for hotel planners whom they feel can provide better jobs.
Nevermind that biz partner has found greener pastures, I am available if you need assistance to run small errands, editing and tying beautiful ribbons.
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