Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Becoming a parent...

There are so many hurdles to becoming a parent, so many challenges and tests...I wonder if it's even possible to make it there. Having been reproductively challenged for many years, my husband and I sought out fertility treatments and eventually conceived via IVF. As we've never
gotten pregnant before, we wouldn't have known how my womb would 'take' to implanted embryos. Hence we had two put back in, for safe measure.

We spent weeks in a slightly agonizing wait, and then discovered we were going to have twins! We were thrilled and overjoyed, that is, until the doctor told us the extra problems that might arise due to twins. Great, he says this AFTER we had them transferred in. Don't worry we will take care of you, the doctor said. And indeed the centre did, for they put us through a whole host of tests to ensure the babies were progressing well, at the expense of making us panic and

At every step of the way there were scares. Test this test that. All kinds of abnormalities could arise and the doctors do want to ensure you know your risks before giving birth and perhaps blaming them for mis-information.

Currently, we're in between appointments and waiting for our detailed 20 week scan. We're eager to see the scans again, but in the meantime, trying to relax and enjoy the pregnancy as well. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Loving & Cherishing

A friend who loves and cherishes me (I'd like to think!) sent me this newsletter which was written by a friend of hers. Highly meaningful words in a small space. Do read it and reflect.
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