I love my family, my extended family with uncles, aunties, cousins, gong gong, po po, and their domestic helpers. When I was younger, I used to grudgingly tag along for Sunday lunches. I loved to eat the food my granddad cooked, but the house was always so noisy, with the TV at top volume, and everyone shouting to get themselves heard. When siblings get together, they try to out-talk each other, so imagine a small 4-room flat with the echoes of loud loud Hainanese!
Years passed and I have grown to understand the relationships and behaviour of everyone in the family. There are still things that irritate me (like pieces of rice on the floor that stick to my socks) but overall, it's the whole fun of enjoying the closeness of the family unit that I appreciate now.
Thank you God for blessing my family all this time.
Aw, I want to cry...those memorable early childhood years.
Food on the table cooked by gonggong and popo, noises, comfort and advices from uncles and aunties giving the hearts gladness and sadness.
Its these things together with health and well-being and coming together to celebrate whatever the occassions that make life meaninful.
Photos of Gonggong and Popo younger photos together with what you placed on the page will make us reflect and to remember to be grateful to God's Blessings.
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