It's time to bid farewell to 2009 and say welcome to 2010. Although I usually abhor the passing of time - it flies too fast - and I yearn for the clock to turn back, I must say 2009 was a very long and somewhat depressing time. It all seems like a blur now but earlier in the year, when business was slow and rent too high, everything was bleak, gloomy and seemingly hopeless. Stock markets were bad, inflation abound, and yup, the office phone hardly rang. Add to that my list of personal problems and an Armageddon would have been merciful.
And so here I am on the last day of the year, feeling pensive. 2010 marks the start of a new decade! It seemed just yesterday that I was flying home from a holiday in UK and partaking in the Countdown to 2000 festivities along Orchard Road. It has been an eventful and fantastic 10 years. I can't say I'm regretting or anything like that, and I'm not one to look back and lament. I firmly believe in looking forward and as apprehensive or reluctant that I am, I can confidently say 2010 couldn't be any worse than 2009 was.
Here are some things I potentially can look forward to:
1. New office premises (?!)
2. A longer holiday, one that requires a longer than 7 hour flight
3. More business (!?)
4. Unexpected surprises, hopefully pleasant ones
5. More people knowing Cardblanche
And I gave up making resolutions a long time ago, but here are some I think I should try to attain:
1. Regular workout and gym sessions (at least 3 times a week)
2. More adventures and experiments in the kitchen
3. Improve my dessert skills
4. Meet and know more people
5. Increase awareness of Cardblanche
Happy New Year! And may all your dreams be fulfilled in the coming months!
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