I would like to dedicate this post to my grandparents' domestic helpers - Agnes, Lily and Maxilline. They have been a constant source of help and comfort to my grandparents, and I am appreciative that they are there to assist us. I would like to thank them for doing the housework, the cooking, and for all the help they provide to my grandparents in their daily affairs. I'm not one who believes in having a domestic helper at home to do my chores, but I truly am grateful that they are there for my grandparents whilst the rest of the family goes out to work in the day.
I've never seen anyone write a blog post to thank their domestic helpers. The people who pay for their services (I'm not one of them) probably think it's their job so obviously, they do what they get paid for. But I think Agnes, Lily and Maxilline are kind people, who genuinely care about their job and their lives here with my grandparents. It helps also that they come from the same country and have a small "community" of their own. There are too many stories of lonely maids who go mad and start to do crazy things. I know there are times too, when family members get rattled and become impatient when the three of them don't work as fast as they would like them to. It is human to err, and perhaps there are just too many orders barking around them to be able to attend to each quickly enough.
I hope they know they are appreciated in the household. My mother prepares a gift for them every Christmas, and whilst I have not actually verbally thanked them, I do try to help them at dinners when there are 20 hungry mouths to feed and only 6 hands amongst them to do the work. :)
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